Intelligent, humidity-controlled

Basement ventilation

Would you like to regulate the humidity in your basement? We install intelligent basement ventilation systems with integrated heat recovery. Our devices are very economical and almost silent.

Andy Dam
Improve indoor climate in the basement

Automatic basement ventilation

In damp cellars, there is often a musty smell and mold. Persistent moisture can cause lasting damage to the fabric of the building and lead to a reduction in the value of the property. Passive ventilation via cellar windows, however, is not able to regulate the moisture in a targeted manner and can lead to increased heating costs in winter.

According to the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), moisture-controlled basement ventilation systems with heat recovery are a good solution because they consume very little energy and reduce the risk of mold to practically zero [1.]. In addition, they lead to a noticeable improvement in the indoor climate via increased air circulation. This can itself have positive effects on the floors above.

We analyze the moisture in your basement, install intelligent basement ventilation and install electrophysical wall dehumidification if required. Our ventilators can ventilate in both directions and, in addition to humidity sensors, have integrated heat recovery. Contact us without obligation.

⇓ «Ventilation concept for basements / basement ventilation» guide from TÜV Süd (in German)

⇓ «Planning basement ventilation according to building physics criteria» guide from (in German)

⇓ Passive ventilation: «How to ventilate a basement properly» information sheet

Our services

Your advantages

Automatic ventilation of a musty basement room is able to significantly improve the indoor climate

Tobias Bayer profile picture

Contact us without obligation

Do you have any further questions or may we prepare an offer for you?

Get in touch with us without obligation. We look forward to your inquiry!

Get in touch with us without obligation. We look forward to your inquiry!

Tobias Bayer
Managing Director

Tobias Bayer profile picture

Questions & Answers

What is the cost of basement ventilation?

We install cellar ventilation systems from EUR 2,200. The actual price depends on the following factors: Type of ventilation, size of the cellar, complexity of the installation, duration of the journey. We often install cellar ventilation systems in combination with electrophysical cellar dehumidification. Ask us without obligation.

What are the advantages of basement ventilation?

The benefits of basement ventilation include moisture control, mold prevention, building fabric protection, indoor air quality improvement, energy savings, improved indoor environment, and radon protection.

How does basement ventilation work?

Intelligent cellar ventilation systems can ventilate in both directions. The ventilation unit controls itself independently via the humidity sensors for effective humidity reduction in the cellar room. An integrated filter prevents pollen or other pollutants from entering the cellar. An integrated heat recovery system also ensures energy-saving ventilation.

Why basement ventilation from

We have specialized in the dehumidification of buildings since 2010 and can provide you with expert advice on the systems that make sense in your case. We then ensure professional installation. You are in good hands with us.

How much does basement ventilation cost?

We install basement ventilation systems from EUR 2,200 (incl. ventilation unit). We often install the ventilation units in combination with electrophysical wall dehumidification using the DRYMAT® system.

What are the factors on which the cost of basement ventilation depends?

The effective price for basement ventilation depends on the type of ventilation, the size of the basement, the complexity of the installation and the length of the journey. Ask us without obligation.

What are the electricity costs of basement ventilation?

The estimated annual electricity costs for cellar ventilation are around EUR 25. Our intelligent basement ventilation systems can be regulated in several stages and have a maximum output of less than 6 watts.

How does basement ventilation affect heating costs?

Our basement ventilation systems come with integrated heat recovery. This means that 80 % of the heat is recovered during the ventilation process. Compared to manual window ventilation, you therefore save a lot of energy with basement ventilation. Either way, a newly installed cellar ventilation system has hardly any noticeable negative effect on heating costs.

How does basement ventilation work?

Intelligent basement ventilation systems offer bidirectional ventilation with humidity or time control for effective moisture reduction. A filter prevents the ingress of pollutants. Integrated heat recovery enables energy-efficient ventilation in cool seasons.

How loud is a basement ventilation system in operation?

Our modern basement ventilation systems are twice as quiet as they have to be according to the standard 23 dB (A) to be allowed to be installed in the bedroom.

What to consider when installing basement ventilation?

The complexity of the installation is a cost-driving factor: for example, the installation is much more complex if we have to install the fan using a lifting platform.

How is the basement ventilation controlled?

Our intelligent ventilation units generally control themselves via humidity or time control. In addition, you can also operate the cellar ventilation via a remote control.

Where does the use of basement ventilation make sense?

Basement ventilation systems are particularly useful if there is a high level of humidity in the basement or if people regularly spend time in the basement rooms. Basement ventilation has a noticeably positive effect on the indoor climate.

How does the installation of basement ventilation?

After inspecting the property, we determine together which ventilation unit is best suited to the conditions on site, how large it should be and where and how you want to install it. We then install the device, test it and give you an introduction to the device in terms of operation and maintenance.

How long does it take to install a basement infill?

Installation of basement ventilation usually takes a day.

What is the service life of the basement ventilation?

The basement ventilation has a warranty of 2 years. However, with proper maintenance, the unit should last at least 10 years.

R. S. from Montreux says:

«The house stayed completely dry, no more wet floors, no more damp walls! We recommend DRYMAT®, the electrophysical system for wall dehumidification, with full conviction!» ➝ other references

Simple and fast installed fan

MEA fan

The effort required to install a ventilation system in the basement, for example, is modest. The easiest way is to install it in an existing window or ventilation shaft (plug-and-play principle). Otherwise, a core drilling is required - also no witchcraft. Only an underground installation including core drilling requires additional digging work. The basement fan only requires a socket with household electricity.

The fan in the basement or apartment is equipped with a humidity meter (hygrostat) or timer. The humidity meter can be adjusted continuously. In the apartment, basement or garage, the humidity can be adjusted by dehumidification to a preset value between 40-90% humidity. However, optimally it is set to 50-60% for a room in the basement.

Depending on the optimal solution, a fan is installed in the basement or in the apartment, which alternately ventilates in and out or only out. In the process, the built-in ceramic element recovers the heat. The fans can also be linked together via radio. Then the intelligent fans ventilate in combination. This creates a draft in the room / basement.

In all cases, the fans ventilate their cellar completely independently, so that the user has no control effort for air exchange. So you always have fresh and dry air and musty, musty odors or moisture damage do not form in the first place.

Our warranty service

Our ventilation systems for dehumidification and fresh, dry air come with a 2-year guarantee in accordance with the electrical appliance standard applicable in the EU.